Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spring Break

I had such a great week except for getting my leg hurt. Last week was my first spring break! It snowed the first two days of spring break and it was cold for the rest of the week so I have to wonder why they call it spring break. Mom says it snows almost always snows during spring break. I think they should call it snow break! Ha ha I am way to funny today!

Monday and Tuesday Mom and I went to Jeddito to work. I love work people come to see me and hold me. They all say I am the cutest puppy they have every seen! I walk around the office and chew the boss's shoestring in two (Mom warned him!). I have a great time at work, I just can't understand why Mom complains so much about work. Linda, my personal OT and very good friend, came with us this week. I had to share her with some of the kids in Jeddito. They have some problems like me! Mom and Linda say that they are as cute just like me! Us special creatures are wonderful! Linda was so proud of me and the progress I have made. I walk almost all the time now - it is much faster than crawling. We spent two days in Jeddito, we worked hard I ate paper and Mom fussed at the computer. It was great to be with Linda for two whole days! But I was very happy to get home and sleep with Kate and Ranger.

When I got home I found out about company. Company are people who love you! Kimberly and Derek came first. Kimberly is Mom's daughter and Derek is Kimberly's guy. Kmberly picked me up and hugged me and told me how cute I was - see always cute! She said that it was wonderful to meet me, Mom has told her so much about me. Kimberly also reads my blog. Derek is the biggest person I have ever met. I looked up at him and looked up and looked up and finally saw his face. He has a smiley face and he is a great cuddler. Derek is cool! Next Jeremy, Kaycee and Jayden came. I have met Jeremy before he helps me fly, I love to fly! Kayce is a mommy just like Mom, she takes care of everyone too. You know a beagle can never have too many moms! Jayden is a funny thing, he is a very small person. At first I thought he was like me but Mom explained that he is a toddler - he is two years old. Mom says that when I get a little bigger I can play more with Jayden but right now he doesn't understand that I am fragile. The other puppies, Tommi, Polly and BG loved Jayden but he didn't love them. Boy what a hulaballoo! It was so fun to have all the company, I don't think my feet touched the ground the whole time!

On Saturday all of Mom's and Russell's kid left to go home. They all made it home safely. I thought I was going to have to walk on my own but happily Davelle and Rich came to visit. We all love Davelle and Rich because they love us for who we are and understand that beagles are very special!

I did hurt my let on Saturday. It was my front right leg. My "elbow" joint got swollen and sore. Nobody is sure how it happened but it sure did make it hard to walk. I cried and cried. Mom held me and kept ice on it. I went to sleep and when I woke up it was a little better. I was up walking and playing by Monday.

It was a great week!

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